So, I finished my first full week of school. I can't decide if I am tired, exhilirated, or both. My class is amazing! I love these kids already. I can't remember a year feeling like I connected as well with so many of the kids and their families. On the flip side, there is always a lot of stress surrounding the first week of school. Almost half of our teaching staff is new this year, we are adding more sections of kindergarten next week and its been my job as the new "queen of kindergarten" to run around insane trying to make sure everyone is acclamating, finish testing the
40 kids whose parents decided not to bring them to kindergarten screening the week before school, and now figure out which kids are going to get moved from AM to PM. Two weeks ago I wasn't even out of my jammies by 9 am and then it was straight to swim suit. Now I am super "career mom," seeing my kids between 5-8 pm. I think I am shifting gears pretty quickly!
Stay tuned for scenes from Elijah's Buzz Lightyear Birthday Bash. Coming this Sunday.