Wednesday, September 15, 2010

a post about alarm clocks

I don't know about your house, but at our house I am the keeper of the alarm clock. And I have very specific feelings about my side of the bed. It's mine. But last night when Brian asked me to reset the alarm for 4:30 this morning I decided to reconsider my position. We definitely get up early, but not 4:30 early. So, I heard it go off--I'm not sure if he meant to put it on annoying beep to make sure he got up or he just didn't know how to work the settings--but it didn't get me upright. I might also interject here that I did take some Nyquil last night because I just can't seem to kick this cold.

Anyhoo, fast forward to 6:30 which is when Mary came in and said that Emily needed me. I was pretty confused and out of it when I staggered into her room when suddenly the fog lifted and I realized that it wasn't 5:30, but 6:30 and I am usually showered, dressed, lunches made, hair done, coffee made, getting ready to get the girls up at this time.


I am so thankful that the kids are old enough to really help. They made their lunches and ate breakfast while I took a quick shower. Elijah took the dog out and fed him. We were out the door by 7:25, which might be some kind of record for getting 4 people and a dog ready to leave, but I think I will move back to my side tonight.

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