Friday, November 14, 2008

The Friday night blues

Here I am at home alone on Friday night. The kids are asleep, Brian is out playing music and I opted not to get a sitter and go too. What am I doing instead? Mopping floors, scrubbing behind the toilet, and dusting. All things that don't get done enough in this household. I am trying to remember that the end product will be a clean, happy home that I will feel comfortable to relax in. I sometimes feel like there is a list two miles long of jobs that need to be done around here. Not just the weekly chores, but the bigger things. I'll try to be grateful that I have a home to clean. It could definitely be worse.

UPDATE: Just 30 minutes later and I really do feel like I like my house again. Just goes to show you how fickle I am.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I feel your pain. Bob's working all day tomorrow. It's hard not to be grumpy. But... then I remember that he's doing a memorial service, and I am so thankful to not be a widow. The widow of the man whose service is tomorrow is such a gracious woman. And here I am grouching. :(