Saturday, February 21, 2009

I haven't been posting much because our life seems to be spinning out from under me. We had a really full--too full-- weekend last weekend and we paid for it all week. Today is the first day since last weekend that I've even really sat down at the computer much. Last weekend looked like this:

Friday at 3:30: leave school, buy a birthday gift, pick up three kids at three places. Come home and let Elijah change clothes, send him out the door with Brian for basketball practice. Feed the girls a quick snack, wrap present, meet Brian and Elijah at practice.

5:30 p.m. Discover a rash all over Mary's body. Tell her she cant go to the birthday party at 6:00. Comfort her cries for the rest of basketball practice. Take Mary and Emily to my parents house and Elijah to birthday party.

6:30 p.m. One hour for dinner with Brian at Christos

7:30 Brian leaves for band rehearsal

8:00 pick up Elijah from party, take all three kids home and put them to bed

The rest of the weekend wasn't much better. It was fun, don't get me wrong. I mean, there was Chuck E. Cheese on Sunday. But it was literally one thing to the next. So today we are making a real effort to relax and take it easy. Well, after basketball and gymnastics, anyway : )

I think we might go get our dog tomorrow. I've had my eye on this one dog for about a month and he is still at the shelter. Maybe tomorrow we'll go take him for another walk and spend some time with him to see if he is a good fit for us.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I can't wait to find out about the dog...

And I don't know how you survived last weekend! How did Brian do yesterday with all the picking up/dropping off?

And I LOVE the egg experiment.