Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One about Emily

I really should be washing dishes right now, but I always forget to post when I am thinking of something. Tonight was one of those nights that Emily was being so cute and funny--she just cracked me up. She has got this amazing imagination and is always pretending to be a dog (it's really the only way I can get her hair washed, "C'mon puppy, let's wash your fur") or she is talking to her babies who have funny names like the one tonight on the way to the store--dumpy. I have no idea how she comes up with these things. The elephant (what elephant, Emily?) was named Squeaky.

On the way home this strange thing happened to us right off of Union St.--a pretty busy street right in town. It was dusk and I saw this huge bird swoop down. (Yes, I am turning into my mom--"Look, a hawk!") It was actually an owl. A big one. Emily already has a fascination with owls so I turned around really quick and went back for a closer look. It was only there for a few more seconds, but it totally scared some unsuspecting pedestrian walking down the sidewalk as it flew back up to a tree. All the way home Emily was telling me, "Shh. Don't wake the owls." or "Hurry mom, the owls will take our van." Which maybe sounds like she is afraid of them, but I don't think that's the case. It's more like amazement.

I absolutely love getting caught up in her imaginary world.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Their imaginations are amazing, aren't they?!