Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Few Random things from my camera

When I uploaded pictures to my computer today I found a few things that were fun. The first picture was this morning--I realized that Mary and Emily were dressed almost alike. Then I realized I can start buying matching outfits for the girls! I don't know if I will...okay, I probably will. For Christmas Mary got this cute nightgown from Gymboree and a hat and purse from The Children's Place that all happened to match. I think she looks like a Mary Jane-esque character from Spiderman (the damsel in distress for all of you non-Spiderman watchers). Elijah was absolutely thrilled with this new costume that includes a face mask. He has been doing Spidey jumps all around the house.

And for anyone who didn't see the article in the Journal and Courier about The SmallTown Heroes, check this out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the article! What great press!