Sunday, January 31, 2010

Somebody out there please remind me that having a clean house is not the most important thing in life. I am making myself CRAZY! I spent almost the whole day cleaning yesterday and today you would never even know. The dishes are piled up, the floors are cluttered with stuff and laundry...let's not even go there. Brian says he is ready to go to paper plates and plastic utensils because he is so sick of the dishes needing to be washed. I think I may be close. I am pushing for budgeting for a cleaning service.


LauraSuz said...

I'm the same way about a clean house so I have no advice but I completely understand!

Annie said...

I tell myself (and Bob) a happy family/dirty house is much better than an unhappy family/clean house. It's all about priorities...

Karla said...

I am happier when my house is clean, but it is hard to keep it that way! Since I am forced to keep it clean right now, it feels good to have a clean house. :) We actually use paper plates for lunch right now because I was SO sick of doing dishes at every meal! I know it isn't good for the enviornment, but I need to keep my sanity too! :)

Anonymous said...

cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow
so, settle down cobwebs
dust, go to sleep
i'm rocking my baby
and babies don't keep