Friday, December 28, 2007

We need some cheer in the title

Man, my last couple of posts have been depressing. I guess it's alright though, because life is not always cheerful. Here is what we are doing right now: Watching videos and hanging out. It's a little hard to give yourself freedom to do that at your own house. We usually go to Cleveland to visit Brian's aunt and uncle between Christmas and New Year's and do all kinds of nothing. But at your own home, it's just not that easy. Laura brought over a couple seasons of a very funny tv show called Arrested Development, that we have been watching. The kids have been enjoying The Polar Express, Ratatouille, and Dora the Summertime Explora.
It's certainly fun to not have to be anywhere or do anything, but also hard for someone like me who feels like a good day is getting all things checked off my list. I just don't feel productive.


Anne said...

I know what you mean about feeling productive, Michelle. Over here it seems we're at a stand-still. So much to be done, but we can't very pack everything up yet because we still need it! Uber frusterating. :o) Love to get those lists checked off!! Glad you're feeling better. Merry Christmas!!!

melissa said...

I'm so glad we're not the only ones doing the exact same thing! For a fleeting moment yesterday, I thought I might actually (gasp) read a book! Enjoy some down time! :)