Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Elijah kept telling us at the campground that he felt dizzy, had cramps, and he felt like he was going to throw up, so we kept having him lay down in front of the fan, but yesterday at Cracker Barrel for breakfast I could tell he was really serious. After he ate something he felt better, but then on the way home he was in bad shape again. Thankfully we live so close because as soon as he got in the house he threw up! I think he had heat stroke--the symptoms match up and it's really unlike him to get sick. He spent the whole day on the couch drinking fluids and watching tv (he was pretty happy about that!) and this morning seemed much better (He tried to convince me to keep him home from school, but he seemed fine to me!)

The rain yesterday busted my green beans up through the ground, so that was exciting. I keep forgetting to get cucumber plants when I am at the proper location, so yesterday I bought some seeds. I know they will be late to harvest, but we're still within the time frame. I just like having lots of produce ready in mid-July. I also bought swiss chard seeds. We (well, Brian and I) liked using it a lot last summer and again I just keep forgetting to grab it when I've been at the store. I'm hoping the ground might be dry enough this evening to get the seeds in. I also decided, on a whim, to get two cantaloupe plants from Bennett's; just to try it. All this hot, wet weather has also made the weeds go nuts! I have been weeding almost every day.

Today I have started the first of our summer projects: moving the girls into the same room. Right now the situation is Emily has her own room and Elijah and Mary have been sharing. We will keep Mary in the same room and switch Elijah and Emily. I think he was a little sad since the middle bedroom was originally his room from the beginning of his life here, but the idea of having his own space made it ok after all. We never intended for them to be together so long, but of the three kids Elijah is the soundest/best sleeper and putting the girls together is going to open a whole host of new bedtime drama, but we are doing it in the summer when we don't have to be up early and Elijah is getting pretty old to be sharing a room with his sister. So, that's what's on my agenda for the next few days.

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