Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm sure, just sure, that I am jinxing myself by writing this. But I am forging ahead anyway. Things here are going so well right now. We stayed at Fiddlers' last night until the last band. The kids were happy, playing nicely, listening to the music. It was so fun! It does help that the adult to child ratio is 3:1. We got home around midnight and everyone went straight to sleep and slept until 8:30 this morning. Breakfast was pancakes and sausage at Megan and Everette's house. We just got home and everyone is laying down for naps. I'm sure that tonight will not be as smooth. Brian will not be there for one thing. The STH are playing at a wedding reception, so he's out of commission for most of today. Secondly there is no way that we can have this much fun two days in a row. So, I'm just planning now that it will be an earlier night. Plus, I do want to make it to church on Sunday.

The other thing that is going unbelievably smooth is toilet training Emily. It is such a different experience that Mary. She took like two years to train. Emily is just doing it of her own accord. I kind of expected it to take a bit of time and energy this summer, but so far so good. She still wears a diaper at bedtime, but if she's wearing underwear she will just use the bathroom. I rarely even ask her unless we're out in public and I think she might have forgotten about it.

I'm off for my nap.

1 comment:

LauraSuz said...

That sounds like loads of fun!