Friday, November 09, 2007

I wish someone would explain to me...

why people feel compelled to discuss how large I look. I will run the risk of sounding like a hormonal pregnant woman, but people...think for a minute. Do I not own a mirror? Yes, I know I am a giant. I swear people do not think before they speak. Here are some of the comments I have gotten this week:

"How do you feel? Like a whale?"
"Are you ever gonna pop?"
"You already look 10 months pregnant."
"You are huge!"

It's getting to the point where I am going to start lashing out. I seriously cannot continue to put on a happy face and assume people are just trying to make polite conversation.


Megan said...

go for it... someone needs to or these people will never learn! For the record, I think you look great! I mean it too.

Anonymous said...

How Rude! Start taking people out!

Sara said...

That's how I felt at 6 months along! : )
Hope the kids are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Hey send me an email, I think I have some news for you. By the way, remember that fall song we used to sing while sitting in a tree????

Anonymous said...

i'm not looking forward to the "are you carrying twins" comments that i got last time! us shorter people get it the worst, it think! chin up, sister... pretty soon that beautiful baby will be here for all to see.

Laura Lee said...

I thought of some more good come backs for the stupid people, but not appropriate for blog commenting. If all else fails, ask them how your fist feels in their face.... ca-ching!

Karla said...

You are so funny!! I have gotten a few "negative" comments about Carson's red hair. Like, "Does he have a temper?" He was only a few weeks old at the time. Have you met ANY two week old baby with a temper?!?! I have also heard, "He is going to have a bad temper you know!" This is from complete strangers! I can hardly bite my tongue now. I am trying to find a way to say something back to these people without being as rude as they are to me. :)